ADRES 2022


2022 ADRES doctoral conference at PSE
January 21 and 22, 2022
The conference will be held entirely online

Preliminary program

Friday Jan. 21
9 :00 Welcome

9:15—9:30 Opening by F. Dufourt (ADRES) and J.M. Tallon (PSE)

9:30 – 10 :30  Plenary session 1
Roland Bénabou Beliefs and Misbeliefs: The Economics of Wishful Thinking
Chairman: Daniel Cohen

10:30—10:45 Break

10:45—12:15  Parallel sessions.

Session 1
Antonin Macé

Session 2
François Fontaine

Session 3
Anne-Célia Disdier

Nouréini Sayouti
How does information on minimum and maximum food prices affect measured monetary poverty? Evidence from Niger

Basile Vidalenc
Optimal Eligibility for Unemployment Insurance

Yuanzhe Tang
Trade Policy Uncertainty, Learning and Export Decision

Julieta  Peveri
Interest Groups' Contributions and Political Selection: Evidence from Brazil

Sergio Cappellini
Optimal Unemployment Insurance and Worker Profiling

Benoit Dicharry
Impact of European Cohesion Policy on regional growth: When time isn't money

Melika Liporace
4 Things Nobody Tells You About Online News

Jocelyn Maillard
Automation, Offshoring and Employment Distribution in Western Europe

Priyam Verma
Optimal Infrastructure after Trade Reform in India

12:15 –13:30  Lunch break

13:30—15:00  Parallel sessions.

Session 1
Jean-Marc Tallon

Session 2
Hillel Rapoport

Session 3
Andrew Clark

Morgan Patty
Root Dominance

Gwen-Jiro Clochard
Improving the perception of the Police by the Youth

Thomas Thivillon
Demand for informal care and human capital accumulation: Evidence from elderly adult deaths in Senegal

Wei Bi
Paper Submission

Bastien Michel
Custodial versus non-custodial sentences: Long-run evidence from an anticipated reform

Léo Zabrocki
Why Acute Health Effects of Air Pollution Could Be Inflated

Emy Lécuyer
Dynamic Completeness and Market Frictions

Nitin Kumar Bharti
The Early Origins of Judicial Stringency in Bail Decisions: Evidence from early-childhood Exposure to Hindu-Muslim Riots in India

Laura Khoury
Prison, Mental Health and Family Spillovers


15:00—15:15 Break

15:15 – 16:15 Plenary session 2
Jeanne Hagenbach  Motivated versus Skeptical Beliefs
Chairman: Philippe Jéhiel

16:15—16:30  Break

16:30 – 18:00  Parallel sessions

Session 1
Ariell Reshef

Session 2
Fabrice Etilé

Session 3
François Libois

Baptiste Souillard
Learning the Ropes? Executive Experience and Location Choices of Multinational Firms

Fabien Petit
Individuals' values over the lifecycle: Does consistency matter?

Valentin Guye
Price incentives and unmonitored deforestation: Evidence from Indonesian palm oil mills

Samuel  Delpeuch
Productivity Slowdown, Tax Havens and MNEs' Intangibles: where is measured value creation?

Vincent Theroude
More Ambiguous or More Complex? Investigating Model Uncertainty in Ellsberg Urns

Etienne Le Rossignol
The Economic Origins of Trust: Evidence from Transhumant Pastoralist Societies

Emmanuel Salvador Chavez Jimenez
Who pays for a Value Added Tax Hike at an International Border? Evidence from Mexico

Angelo Petralia
Bounded rationality is asymptotically rare

Mélina London
Trade Networks and Natural Disasters: Diversion, not Destruction


Saturday, Jan. 22
9:30—11:00  Parallel sessions

Session 1
Denis Cogneau

Session 2
Hélène Ollivier

Session 3
Angelo Secchi

Mehdi  El Herradi
The rich, the poor, and the middle class: Banking crises and income distribution

Luis-Guillermo Becerra-Valbuena
Climatic shocks, air quality, and health at birth in Bogota

Alexis Larousse
Small firm policies in procurement: New evidence from drug procurement auctions in Brazil

Ariane Salem
The Negative Impacts of Colonization on the Local Population: Evidence from Morocco

Maria José Montoya Villalobos
Green consumption: The impact of trust and pessimism

Heesang Ryu
Litigation versus spillovers

Adrien Montalbo
State intervention, education supply and economic growth in nineteenth-century France

Philippe Colo
Cassandra's Curse: a Second Tragedy of the Commons

Morgane Guignard
UpstreamMergers with Divestitures in Vertical Markets


11:00 -- 11:15 Break

11:15 – 11:30 ADRES Prize

Laurent Linnemer, Alfred Galichon

11:30 –12:30  Plenary session 3

Ekaterina Zhuravskaya  Mobile internet and confidence in government
Chairman: Hillel Rapoport

12:30 – 13:45  Lunch


13:45—15:15  Parallel sessions.

Session 1
Francesco Pappada

Session 2
Jean-François Laslier

Session 3
Oliver Vanden Eynde


Avaro Maylis
Zombie International Currency: The Pound Sterling 1945-1973

Alberto  Grillo
Ethical Voting in Heterogeneous Groups

Sarah Schneider-Strawczynski
Media Coverage of Immigration and the Polarization of Attitudes

Francesco Saverio Gaudio
Supply Shocks and Asset Market Participation

Benjamin Blumenthal
Is more Information Good for Voters?

Eddy Zanoutene
Optimal Capital Taxation Under Stochastic Returns To Savings

Louis Marie Harpedanne
Mediating Financial Intermediation

Ernesto Ugolini
Vote for populism: A way to revolt in democracies?

Pierre-Edouard Collignon
No Regret fiscal reforms


15:15—15:30  Coffee Break

15:30 –17:00  Parallel sessions


Session 1
Stéphane Gauthier

Session 2
Philippe Gagnepain

Session 3
Julien Grenet

Stéphane Benveniste
Like Father, Like Child: Social Reproduction in the French Grandes Ecoles throughout the 20th Century

Jade Ponsard
Education and Employment Responses to Road Access: Evidence from the US Rural Interstate Highway System
Marion Monnet
Gendered Teacher Feedback, Students' Math Performance and Enrollment Outcomes: A Text Mining Approach
Fanny Landaud
Getting Lucky: The Long-Term Consequences of Exam Luck
Morgan Ubeda
Transport Policies and Income Disparities within Cities
Julie Tréguier
Labor Supply Effects of Survivor Insurance: Evidence From a Benefit Cut in the Netherlands
José Mari­a Renteria
The collateral effects of private school expansion in a deregulated market: Peru, 1996-2019
Martin Jégard
An Optimal Distribution of Polluting Activities Across Space
Sofia Ruiz-Palazuelos
The impact of network cycles on employment and inequality


17:00 – 17:30 Roundtable Job Market (in French)
Sylvain Carré (Paris Dauphine), Sarah Flèche (Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne), Mouez Fodha (CNU), Vincent Merlin (coNRS)
Moderator : Agnès Gramain (BETA, Université de Lorraine)




ADRES - Programme de subventions à la participation des doctorants et post-doctorants aux grandes conférences internationales


ADRES - ADRES best young paper award (Annals of Economics and Statistics)

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